Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Parâsara Muni said :– O King! 
  1. One japa of Gâyatrî, destroys the days sins. 
  2. Ten Japams of Gâyatrî destroy day and night’s sins. 
  3. One hundred Gâyatrî Japams destroy one month’s sins. 
  4. One thousand Japams destroy one year’s sins. 
  5. One lakh Gâyatrî Japams destroy the sins of the present birth and 
  6. ten lakh Gâyatrî Japams destroy the sins of other births. 
  7. One hundred lakhs of Japams destroy the sins of all the births. 
  8. If ten times that (i.e., 1,000 lakhs) be done, then liberation is obtained.



Friday, December 11, 2020
