Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Parâsara Muni said :– O King! 
  1. One japa of Gâyatrî, destroys the days sins. 
  2. Ten Japams of Gâyatrî destroy day and night’s sins. 
  3. One hundred Gâyatrî Japams destroy one month’s sins. 
  4. One thousand Japams destroy one year’s sins. 
  5. One lakh Gâyatrî Japams destroy the sins of the present birth and 
  6. ten lakh Gâyatrî Japams destroy the sins of other births. 
  7. One hundred lakhs of Japams destroy the sins of all the births. 
  8. If ten times that (i.e., 1,000 lakhs) be done, then liberation is obtained.



Friday, December 11, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Vishnu Sahasranamam

Shakti was the eldest of the hundred sons of sage Vasishta and Arundhati. He married a woman named Adrishyanti, through whom he had a son named Parasara who was father of Vyas and Grandfather of Sukdev Goswami.

Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,
Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Sandaye, 1
Dressed in white you are,
Oh, all pervading one,
And glowing with the colour of moon.
With four arms, you are, the all knowing one
I meditate on your ever-smiling face,
And pray, "Remove all obstacles on my way".
Vyasam Vasishtanaptharam, Sakthe Poutramakalmasham,
Parasarathmajam vande, Shukathatham Taponidhim, 2
I bow before you Vyasa,
The treasure house of penance,
The great grand son of Vasishta.
The grand son of Shakthi,
The son of Parasara.
And the father of Shuka,
Vyasa Vishnu Roopaya, Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave,
Nmo Vai Brahma Vidaya, Vasishtaya Namo Nama, 3
Bow I before,
Vyasa who is Vishnu,
Vishnu who is Vyasa,
And again and again bow before,
He, who is born,
In the family of Vasishta.
